Effects of paeoniflorin on contractile activity of rabbit sphincter of Oddi muscle rings in vitro 芍药甙对家兔离体Oddi括约肌肌环收缩活动的影响
RESULTS: Eighteen patients got satisfactory effect without residual symptoms. Six patients were still with dysfunction of sphincter muscle and attenuation of dorsal extensor strength of different degrees. 结果效果良好无残留症状者18例,留有不同程度的括约肌功能障碍和拇背伸力减弱6例。
Results All 31 cases anus sphincter muscle were retained at most degree, so that retained their function of normal defecation. 结果本组31例患儿均达到最大限度地保留肛门括约肌,保留其正常排便功能。
Methods The partial sphincter ani externa muscle was replaced by the bulbocavernosus muscle. 方法以球海绵体肌替代部分肛门括约肌。
Pathway of cholecystokinin inducing Ca~ ( 2+) mobilization in rabbit Oddi's sphincter muscle cells 缩胆素诱导兔Oddi括约肌细胞钙动员途径
Conclusion MDSCs could survive and differentiate after transplanted into proximal urethra of SUI rats and could improve function of sphincter muscle of urethra, suggesting that MDSCs transplantation may be an effective method to treat SUI. 结论MDSCs移植后能存活并分化而整合至尿道括约肌,尿道括约肌功能得到改善,提示MDSCs移植可能是治疗压力性尿失禁的有效方法。
Anatomical study of the palatopharyngeal sphincter muscle 腭咽括约肌的解剖学研究
Methods: Thirty-two patients with incontinence after anoplasty for imperforate anus underwent reconstruction of external anal sphincter and anorectal angle with gracilis muscle. 方法:对32例先天性肛门闭锁肛门成形术后大便失禁患者用股薄肌重建肛门外括肌并重建直肠肛管角。
Iris Location The iritis sphincter and pupil enlarging muscle can regulate the size of the pupil quickly. 虹膜括约肌、瞳孔放大肌能迅速调节瞳孔大小;
Conclusions The ultrastructural changes of detrusor in areflexia neurogenic bladders may be associated with relative increment of bladder outlet obstruction, which is probably due to detrusor debility from diseased nerve and sequential disequilibrium between normal detrusor and sphincter muscle of the urethra. 结论低反射神经原性膀胱逼尿肌超微结构改变可能和逼尿肌去神经性无力,逼尿肌尿道括约肌原有平衡失调,造成膀胱出口相对阻力增加等有关。
CONCLUSION: The phenomena of pressure asymmetry existed in external sphincter muscle of anus, and this kind of asymmetry formation is helpful to anus continence. 结论:肛门外括约肌存在压力偏位现象,这种偏位的形成有助于肛门节制。
Morphology and Innervation of Anal Sphincter Muscle Complex 肛门括约肌复合体的形态及神经支配
The repair velocity and the possible level of functional recovery of sphincter pupillae muscle were better than those of extraocular muscles. 瞳孔括约肌的功能恢复速度与最终的恢复水平明显优于眼外肌。
Objective To evaluate the clinical effectiveness of replacing bulbocavernosus muscle with partial sphincter ani externa muscle to repair old perineal laceration. 目的评价球海绵体肌替代部分肛门括约肌治疗陈旧性会阴Ⅲ度裂伤的临床效果。
AIM: To compare the morphology of lower esophageal sphincter ( LES) and esophageal body, and to explore the response of contraction of the smooth muscle of LES to acetylcholine ( ACh). 目的:比较兔食管下括约肌(loweresophagealsphincter,LES)与食管体部形态变化,探讨食管体部平滑肌和LES细胞收缩功能及对乙酰胆碱的反应。
Transurethral Division of Internal Sphincter for Non-reflex Pubovesical Muscle Neurogenic Bladder ( A Report of 40 Cases) 经尿道内括约肌切断术治疗逼尿肌无反射神经原性膀胱(附40例报告)
Comparative study of the tonus of the teat sphincter muscle of cows 牛乳头括约肌紧张度的比较研究
The Effect of Acid Perfusion on the Contraction of Lower Esophageal Sphincter Smooth Muscle Cell in Rabbits 酸灌注对食管下端括约肌平滑肌细胞收缩功能的影响
Locomotion regulation of Oddi sphincter muscle and diagnosis and treatment of SOD Oddi括约肌运动调节与功能障碍的诊断和治疗
The Feasibility Study of Reconstruction of External Urethral Sphincter Using Pyramidal Muscle 锥状肌替代尿道外括约肌的可行性研究
The lower esophageal sphincter ( LES) is a thickened region of the circular muscle layer of the distal esophagus, in human extending over an axial distance of 2 – 3 cm. 食管下括约肌(LES)是位于胃食管接合部特殊增厚的环形肌,人LES宽度约2~3cm。
Treatment group with Retaining the internal sphincter muscle, and removal of part of the endostoma then partially closed and virtual hanging drainage control group anal incision. 治疗组采用肛瘘保留内括约肌肌头内口切除部分缝闭加虚挂引流术,对照组采用地位括约肌间肛瘘切开引流术。
[ Background and Objective] Achalasia is an idiopathic esophageal motor disorder characterized by an elevated pressure of lower esophageal sphincter ( LES) and aperistalsis in the smooth muscle part of the esophageal body. 【研究背景及目的】贲门失弛缓症是一种食管运动功能障碍性疾病,以下食管括约肌(loweresophagealsphincter,LES)张力增高及食管体部正常蠕动消失为特征。
Objective: Urinary sphincter system is the main morphological basis responsible for the urinary continence in mammals. And the striated muscle fibers that covered outside the urethral wall is the most important component that comprise the urinary sphincter system. 目的:尿道括约肌系统是哺乳类动物实现控尿的基本解剖结构,其中环绕尿道的横纹括约肌是构成尿道括约肌系统的最重要结构成分。